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Our Clients

Bull Dancer Bison Ranch

As bison owners our job is to preserve the herd and help heal the land. In order to do that, we need to use local and national resources to implement holistic land management practices. Our work with rancher Dan Humphries from Bull Dancer Bison Ranch has included working the herd through the corral and chute system to give the bison their vitamins and suppliments, bringing in a Holistic Management International instructor to assess the land, taking soil samples to plan the best strategy for healthy pasture land, using no-till interventions for winter plantings, and constructing control pastures to create planned grazing scenarios. We’ve also developed marketing and sales opportunities for BDBR meat and products. And as the photos below show, we're not afraid to get in there and LITERALLY get our hands dirty for our clients.

Bonita And Her Mother, Dakota

Bonita And Her Mother, Dakota

Christine Feeding The Bison

Christine Feeding The Bison

Ian Cradeling A Month-Old Baby Bison

Ian Cradeling A Month-Old Baby Bison

Moving Range Cubes Around The Corral

Moving Range Cubes Around The Corral

The Herd Approaches...

The Herd Approaches...

Ian Feeding Our Bull Braveheart

Ian Feeding Our Bull Braveheart

Dan Humphries Waits Out A Stampede

Dan Humphries Waits Out A Stampede

Ian & Dan Done Erecting The Fence

Ian & Dan Done Erecting The Fence

Dakota & Bonita

Dakota & Bonita

Dan Is Happy With The Day's Work

Dan Is Happy With The Day's Work

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