Ian's Credentials

Ian Egan
Creative Director
Graphic Artist, Cartoonist, Writer, Poet, Musician, Songwriter
I was born on Long Island, New York and grew up in the northwest Chicago suburbs. After a stint in the Marines and college, I got a job and started a family while diligently climbing the corporate ladder as a warehouse and logistics manager. I have drawn cartoons and written poetry since I was a young boy; my decoration of various school assignments and tests throughout my academic career has occasionally gotten me into trouble with some of my more traditionally minded teachers.
After moving to the East Coast to pursue my creative passion as a freelance cartoonist in New York City, I worked various corporate management positions while building my reputation and portfolio as a cartoonist and graphic artist. I draw cartoons about any subject, but I specialize in medical, science, and office humor. My first sale of a cartoon was to Omni Magazine while it was still a printed publication; since then I’ve sold hundreds of cartoons to such varied publications as (to name a few):
Psychology Today
Highlights For Children
Family Circle
Car and Driver
Field and Stream
Boy’s Life
Nickelodeon Magazine
Comics Journal
Bon Appétit
The Advocate
Men’s Health
Better Homes and Gardens
Martha Stewart Living
American Bar Assoc. Magazine
I also draw an internet-published comic strip called “Alden by Egan” that is near and dear to my heart. I continued my cartooning career after moving from New England to Texas; thank god for the Internet! I have expanded my repertoire to include political cartoons with a Liberal bent.
I accepted a position as a junior high teacher at Sri Atamananda Memorial School for one school year (2010-2011) in Austin; I created the curriculum for and taught an art class for cartooning and taught a science curriculum consistent with the Texas STEM standards. The school ceased operation after the 2011 school year, or I would still be there; teaching in the charter school structure speaks to my passion for an inquiry-based education for all students.
I have also been published as an author (short stories & poetry) in the New England Poetry Journal, the Connecticut Poetry Journal, the Hudson Valley Poetry Journal, the Middletown Press, and the Manor Community News. I was also the weekly host of the oldest poetry open mic in Connecticut for several years. I have also hosted several successful singer/songwriter open mics in Austin, which allowed me to hone my skills as a live sound-mixing engineer.
On another creative front, as the millennium was turning from 2000 to 2001 my friends bugged me about making a New Year's resolution. It was the millennium, after all! But rather then make a resolution to STOP doing something, I decided that I wanted to START something I’ve always wanted to do... play the guitar. (I already played keyboards, the Irish tin whistle, & the harmonica among other instruments.)
Thus started The Obsession.
The poetry I’ve written since high school turned into music, and the singer/songwriter Irish bard that was always just below the surface was set free. I’ve since written and performed several dozen original songs on stages all over the Northeast and Texas.
Lyrically, my poetry is inspired by Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, Paul Simon, Jim Morrison, and the storytelling of Jim Croce & Harry Chapin. As a reviewer once said, “Painting poetic & thoughtful pictures in your mind with poignant lyrical phrases & carefully crafted harmonies, Ian is a songwriter in the best tradition of the poetic storyteller throughout history. His catchy musical hooks & pleasant tenor draw you into his songs.”
My music has been described as “Adult Alternative Folk-Rock.” Again, a reviewer noted: “From the raw adult emotions and soaring harmonies in ‘Lovin' Care’ to the tale of heroes and courage in ‘Hero's Wall,’ Ian's poignant and poetic lyrics are brought to vibrant life by the perfect harmonies and considerable musical talent of this multi-instrumentalist.”
I’ve been a proud (and happy) resident of Austin since August 2007. I’ve continued to thrive as a successful freelance cartoonist and graphic artist. I have designed logos for various companies from yoga studios to communications tech start-ups to an ice cream parlor chain. I continue to write poetry and music, and make full use of the many wonderful and varied open mics and venues throughout the vibrant music scene in the Live Music Capitol of the World.