Person-Centered Programming
Recently, I had the pleasure of attending CAN’s Summit on Building a Person-Centered Community. Approximately 150 Austin leaders and...

Time To Accelerate!
Whether you run a non-profit agency or a for-profit startup with a triple bottom line agenda (people, profits, planet) an accelerator...

How Social Innovation, Social Venture Capital, Community Engagement, and Social Aikido Work Together
This was a big week for Austin, Texas. “Mission Driven,” a conference on social innovation, “Philanthropitch,” an accelerator event for...

ATX Hack For Change
Chris and Ian volunteered their time and talents at "ATX Hack For Change 2015" at St. Edward's University in South Austin over the...

Closing The Achievement Gap In Texas
As part of our work to support E3 Alliance's corporate fundraising initiative, we wrote and placed an article in the Association for...

The Day I Argued With Al Gore
In January 2007, Chris and I attended the National Science Foundation conference in Boston. I am a freelance cartoonist specializing in...

Engaged, inquisitive, and passionate students!
Buffalo Cloud Consulting engaged its first client, E3 Alliance, in December 2014. As part of the work to launch the implementation phase...